Thursday, May 21, 2009

the purpose of art

This is something that snuck up on me. I was listening to an interview on NPR with a famous architect who is currently working on a project with a major museum. He described the purpose of art and culture as being "to put a light in your eye." How beautiful. In seven small words he managed to sum it up.

I must admit that I've always been of the mindset of "art for art's sake." I intrinsically see value in art and culture, so it never occurred to me to question its purpose. So when this man started to talk about that, the entire concept pushed me onto the edge of my seat. I thought, "How can one person possibly put something so large, esoteric, and varied into words?" And moments later I was flabbergasted when he gave an answer so simple, perceptive and inclusive that it followed me around as I went through my week. I don't remember the name of this architect or even what project he was working on, but he clearly made an impression.

Put a light in your eye to gain perspective.

Put a light in your eye when news of the recession weighs too heavily on your routine.

Put a light in your eye to see the world differently.

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